Wednesday, January 19, 2005

MSNBC - Brand names split along red-blue lines

MSNBC - Brand names split along red-blue lines: "Red state residents were more likely to consider themselves religious, although the difference was not huge, especially among women. Red-state women were much more likely to be divorced than their blue-state counterparts. (The difference was less pronounced for men � possibly the result of red-blue intermarriage?)
The survey also offered a hint on why Democratic Sen. John Kerry lost the election: Red-state men appear to be more politically active and involved in their community.
Only 70 percent of men in blue states said they were registered to vote, compared with 80 percent in red states. And of those registered to vote, 18 percent of men in blue states said they did not vote in November, compared with only 12 percent in red states.
Nevertheless 48 percent of blue-state men considered themselves �well-informed� on international affairs, compared with only 38 percent of men in red states."


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