Thursday, October 05, 2000

Influx of Mormons Hit Pocatello Democrats Hard

Chronicling the rise of the republican party in Idaho, Idaho Statesman writer Gregory Hahn notes the significant impact that the LDS church has had in changing Pocatello from the last Democratic stronghold to a city where "It's OK to be Republican."

Pocatello, a long-time union town, is hosting the state Republican convention. Democrats have been a perennial force in this university town, with many even refusing to drink Idaho's Ste. Chappelle wine because of its past connection with a prominent and conservative Republican family. Nevertheless, the Republican Party convention is a visible reminder that the times have changed.

Three factors contributed to the Democrats' demise in Idaho: the decreased influence of unions, the strength of religious organizations, and a reinvigorated Republican organization. Pocatello has been one of the few Idaho cities to offer genuine two-party debates, but blue-collar defections, an influx of conservative Mormons, and enhanced Republican organizational and financial support have changed the balance of power in the city.
Mormon News for WE 25Jun00: Influx of Mormons Hit Pocatello De